Monday, April 23, 2012

How Do I Downgrade my LinkedIn Account from Premium to Free?

I upgraded my LinkedIn Account to Premium a few months ago whilst I was job hunting and forgot about it until my wife reminded me that it was costing £20 per month or thereabouts.

It took me about 30 minutes to work out how to downgrade from Premium to Free and I noticed that there were hundreds of people who had posted questions and problems with how to do this.

Here's what I discovered, and how to do it quickly and easily:

Log into your LinkedIn Account.

Go to the top right of the screen where your name is and choose the drop down item "Settings"

In the box below your picture, there are options regarding your Account.

Choose "Cancel or Downgrade" and it will take you to a 3 step process for cancelling. Each step you will be reminded of the services and asked if you are sure. It was easy to do and it told me I had cancelled, effective of the last day of my current month's subscription.

Hopefully, that is that and you will have managed to cancel as quickly as me.

Let me know if you have any issues or comments below?

(free Twitter account)

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