Celebrity Big Brother 2010, or #CBB7 as it is referred to on Twitter, has begun!
Twitter went crazy for an hour or so whilst everyone commented on the housemates as they entered. It was hard work trying to keep up with it all but it made fun reading with everyone's opinions, jokes and observations.
Here are the stats for the hashtag #cbb7 that was used in all comments made during the show. It shows that Tweets using this tag made up over 2% of the whole traffic volume on Twitter - more than 1 in 50 Tweets discussing CBB7!
There was a moment when Twitter reached capacity - as Dane Bowers was about to enter and speculation about rivalry and fighting between him and Alex Reid reached fever pitch. So far, there hasn't been much to report on that front although Dane does appear to be sporting a bruise above his right eye that has make up plastered all over it.
Vinnie Jones seems to be a clear favourite to win already. Big Character, Hollywood Actor, and most importantly - British!
Lots of Americans on the show this year, and a couple of quiet, not so famous model types (can't remember their names).
Stephanie Beacham is probably 2nd favourite at this early stage of 4 hours into the 27 day show. Classy and elegant, rising above many in there.
Stephen Baldwin seems to have got under a lot of people's skins with the comment 'creepy' being a common word used amongst commentators.
The highlight of the first programme was when all the celebrities were told to try and get into a Mini (car) - and they did!!!! Amazing, Stephanie Beacham wrapped around Sysqo and Lady Sovereign crushed by Stephen Baldwin - who would have imagined that would ever happen?!
Let's hope it provides some action, some fun, some tears and some joy!