Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Catch Up

I've not posted for a few days, thought I'd drop by and update anyone who's remotely interested (and also kind of diarise things).

No Smoking

Now on Day 36, so 6th Week smoke free. Have saved about £200 and not smoked 700 cigarettes now. I feel much better for having stopped, wish I hadn't crumbled last August. But I did, and I'm here, and I'm back on that journey again!I'm finding it ok this time round, just get a little bit fidgety sometimes in the evening but nothing too hard to handle.


Having recovered 99% from bronchitis I'm back on the mend and have done some great power sessions on the indoor rowing machine recently. Low rate high power pieces done:

1k r24 - 3:12.9 
500m r23 - 1:27.8
300m r29  - 48.8

I have the English Championships at the end of January, I'm competing in the 500m race. I have won Silver twice, last year (1:22.9) and the year before (1:23.5). I'm hoping to medal again and with a faster time again. Ideally break the 1 min 20s barrier that has eluded me so far. I'm stronger than ever, having deadlifted 230kg off the floor the other day, but my endurance isn't great after a few weeks of bronchitis. I have 4 weeks to prepare.

Other stuff

I'll keep that to myself - wouldn't want to bore anyone to death! lol

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