Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day 4 - Upper Body Weight Training for Javelin

Nearly rested again today but at lunchtime I was taking the mickey out of the guys doing their barbell biceps curls - they were rocking away. They challenged me to do a set in my suit, which I did - 60kg x 10. Anyway, it left me with a tingle in my biceps and tendons and the will to get in there and get working after work!

2k wu 1:59.2 r24

Lat Pulldowns Wide Grip - 10 x 75kg, 6 x 90kg, 10 x 75kg

High Cable, single arm pullover (back to cable, straight arm from vertical to horizontal)
10 x 40kg, 10 x 40kg, 10 x 50kg each arm

Wide Grip Chins Strict, no rocking/bouncing - erm, 2, 2, 1.5 - less said the better!

DB Pullovers, straight arm - 10 x 24kg, 10 x 30kg, 10 x 26kg

BB Shoulder Press behind neck, standing - 10 x 20kg, 8 x 40kg, 10 x 30kg

Skin the Cat Snatch - (BB from snatch position, lower the straight arms backwards to 45deg and back up to vertical, left leg forward throughout) - 10 x 20kg, 10 x 20kg - this hurt the shoulders and lower back a bit so dropped the 3rd set!

Med Ball - Straight arm throw and sit up against wall - 10 x 4kg, 20 x 4kg (explosive)

Med Ball - Chest Pass off wall and catch - 20 x 4kg, 20 x 4kg (explosive)

1k cd - 2:20ish

So, the first Week of Training is complete and I feel stronger than ever now. Feels great to be training like an athlete again (well, in relative terms). Next week is 4 more sessions but with different exercises then Week 3 is a repeat of this week with some tweaks to weights, intensity, etc. 5 of these weeks and then some speed work to finish and I hope to be ready to launch that spear!!! :-D

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