Friday, October 8, 2010

How can 4 minutes be so hellish?!

Apologies for the indoor rowing jargon that follows. (I'll translate in brackets)

With only a 1200m effort on the board (previous result for online monhtly challenge) and today being the last day to enter Round 1 of the Challenge Series (Concept2 - manufacturer and retailer of rowing machines hold a monthly competition for peopel to try and then enter their results), had to see what I could muster.

Still not back to normal, bunged up and full of catarrh but needs must!

1k wu - 3:56 - 1:58 pace - not too bad (the warm up felt comfortable, I always row at this pace so that I can see how I'm feeling before deciding to push hard in the training session)

4 mins - 1231m - 1:37.4 - r30 (result of 4 minutes lunacy - rowed a virtual 1231m in 120 strokes)

1min - 1:35.8 - r32 (fast start)
2min - 1:36.1 - r31 (clinging on, slightly slower)
3min - 1:39.0 - r28 (dying a death so slowed down again)
4min - 1:39.0 - r29 (hanging on until the bitter end, legs, arms, back, lungs - all shot to bits!)

Way off PB form (about 1:34.2 pace I think in March/April) but not disastrous considering fitness level, cold and the dreaded smokes.

Had a Larry lay down (a symptom of over-exertion, phrase coined by Larry Tait, my Canadian friend who often lays down on the floor afterwards), head was beetroot colour and HR (pulse, heart rate) took over 15 mins to get back below 110bpm (too long!).

It's the Mile (1,609m) for Round 2 (October's Challenge), see if I can match tonight's pace (same speed but for 70 seconds or so longer...!) and get close to a PB (personal best time) when I pick up. The CTC (cross team challenge, another online challenge between virtual teams) was good training, despite knocking my immune system for 6 doing it back to back! Will do a couple more.

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