Thursday, October 21, 2010

Social Experiment - What Type are You?

Welcome to the Social Experiment designed to help you establish what social 'type' you are and thank you for taking the time to find out more and take the test.

Very simple - read each question, write down your answer as soon as the thought comes into your head and move on to the next question. At the end of the test, choose the result that matches your answers.

It is important that you do not spend time 'thinking', your sub-conscious will flush out your deepest values and beliefs and will give you a true picture of who you really are.

1. A tortoise crawls towards a kerb, what should he do next?

a) try to climb up it and onto the path

b) go left or right and crawl along to the next driveway

c) sit still and wait for somone to pick him up and put him on the path

2. You receive a bill from the water company, what should you do?

a) Pay it straight away

b) Throw it in the bin

c) Put it on the fridge until you can be bothered to pay it

3. A friend calls you to complain about another friend of yours, do you?

a) Tell them you are sorry but don't wish to discuss it

b) Agree with them and plot the revenge

c) Call your friend to tell them about this act of treachery

4. Would you rather?

a) Win a million pounds

b) Live a healthy 150 years

5. Twitter or Facebook?

a) Twitter

b) Facebook

1. a = 3 , b = 1 , c = 0
2. a = 1 , b = 0 , c = 3
3. a = 0 , b = 3 , c = 1
4. a = 1 , b = 3
5. a = 3 , b = 3

Click HERE if you scored 0 - 4

Click HERE if you scored 5 - 9

Click HERE if you scored 10 or more.

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