Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Manflu? Sweat it out....

Have had two days off training due to manflu. You know what I mean - achey joints, bunged up sinuses and headache - that sort of annoying stuff.

Chose to do some low intensity meters on the Concept2 indoor rowing machine to sweat it out after having had a proper rest yesterday.

5000m - 19 mins 38.0 secs  (1:57.8 - r23 for the jargon aware ergers)

2000m cool down - 8 mins 28.0 secs (2:07.0 r20)

Nice and easy, not out of breath really but was sweating quite a lot.

I feel better half an hour after this than I did half an hour before. Let's hope it continues that way.


fiona said...

Thanks for 'adapting' your blog so I could read it.

fiona said...

I meant 'understand' not 'read'. Ha ha.

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