Thursday, September 30, 2010

4 mins on the #Concept2

Despite having until the 8th October to do it, this is the only challenge I haven't done this month so I thought I'd better post a score so that I'm 'in' for the Series. Did it as a warm up, not having a target and not attacking it. It was still pretty tough towards the end though.

4 mins 1200m - 1:40.0 - r27

1:44.6 - r25
1:41.6 - r26
1:39.6 - r27
1:34.6 - r30

(as close as I can remember the splits)

Then did 5 mins easy at 2:00 pace

4 x 8 x Lat Pulldowns, 2 wide grip, 2 close grip

then decided to play with Heart Rate on the recumbent bike

started at 120 HR and gradually picked up the pace and brought it steadily up to 162 before my legs started to go jelly like, brought it back down to 120 - took 7 mins 30s from start to finish.

1k cd @ 2:05

Quite a short session but it's better than not going, need to get back into the routine again, work harder and I'm sure it'll start returning before too long. I hope to go close to 1250m before next Friday, or at least beat last year's score which was around 1234m I think.

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