Sunday, September 5, 2010

Power Clean PB, but very wobbly!

Today was compound movements days but I couldn't resist popping a few 1 min on/off reps in before. Didn't do the whole lot as it would have wiped me out before my weights!

1k wu 3:57 HR starting at 90 > 125

5 x 1 min on/off

1607m - 1:33.3 - r32 ave


110kg - 3 x 5
150kg - 3 x 5
180kg - 5 x 1 (could not do it strapless, tried hard but kept slipping)
200kg - dnf - no oomph today on these

Power Cleans

60kg - 3 x 8
80kg - 1 x 8
90kg - 1 (PB)
100kg - 1 (PB)

I was a bit wobbly on that 100kg clean! Will pop video on later... :lol:


Was a shortish session and felt ok but not great. The cleans felt easy after the deadlifts though.

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