Thursday, September 2, 2010

Tabata Row on the Concept2 erg

This month's Facebook Challenge is the Tabata Row:

(20 seconds on, 10 seconds 'rest') x 8

This is a 3 min 50 sec workout including the rest periods - not much eh?

1k wu

118m - 1:24.7 - r36
117m - 1:25.4 - r36
116m - 1:26.2 - r36
109m - 1:31.7 - r33
111m - 1:30.0 - r33
107m - 1:33.4 - r30
107m - 1:33.4 - r30
109m - 1:31.7 - r33

TOTAL 2:40.0 - 894m - 1:29.4 - r33

It's a marker. My friend Jon Backman has gone WAY quicker, but he's mental! :lol:

Before you try this, be prepared for the 10 second rest to surprise you - as you finish the rep and relax, you look up and it's countdown to the next already - it isn't really a proper rest! I felt a bick sick during the last 3 reps and got a proper lung burn which is good - helping to flush out the lungs.

3 x 20 x Med Ball Sit Up Throws
10, 10, 20 x 5kg DB between ankles, leg raises

1k - 2:00
1k - 1:54

After the tabatas, I just went throught the motions but still managed to blast the abs with the med ball throws and leg raises.

Day 2 no smoking has gone well. In a couple of days or so I'll do a long plod - maybe a strapless low drag 10k or something just to really get the lungs working.

1 comment:

Hamish Paterson said...

Good workout Graham, I've done a few of these tabatas, like you say killers! 10 seconds is not long enough, especially towards the end, feels like 2 seconds:-)

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