Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Back to erging.... it's tough!

After yesterday's javelin exertions I was feeling stiff all over - calves, quads, hams, glutes, adductors, obliques, lats, deltoids, pecs, neck and joints - plus the throbbing big toe. In fact, everywhere!

Tried the CTC (monthly indoor rowing challenge - 1 min hard effort, 1 min rest x 10) but wasn't able to sustain the effort past rep 4 due to my right elbow being a bit painful as I pulled the handle in - think there's some inflammation in the joint due to poor technique last night.

Did some general weights, nothing heavy and then a 2k steady cool down.

Going to be a tough ride back to top fitness, next goal is the 500m in Cardiff in December so I have time but it's amazing how quick it all goes isn't it?

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